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Convey meaning through color with a handful of color utility classes. Includes support for styling links with hover states, too.

Dark Skin Color

This is flexible color will changes if dark mode active


Hello world
Hello world

Text color dark on default template and light on dark mode


Hello world
Hello world

Background light on default template and background dark on dark mode


Hello world
Hello world

Background light on default template and background black on dark mode


Hello world
Hello world

Background white on default template and background black on dark mode

              <p class="text-dark-light">.text-dark-light</p>

              <div class="bg-light-dark">.bg-light-dark</div>
              <div class="bg-light-black">.bg-light-black</div>
              <div class="bg-themes">.bg-themes</div>

If you want to editing dark mode, please open scss file on assets/scss/theme/utilities/_dark-mode.scss

Text Color
















              <p class="text-primary">.text-primary</p>
              <p class="text-secondary">.text-secondary</p>
              <p class="text-success">.text-success</p>
              <p class="text-danger">.text-danger</p>
              <p class="text-warning">.text-warning</p>
              <p class="text-info">.text-info</p>
              <p class="text-purple">.text-purple</p>
              <p class="text-light bg-dark">.text-light</p>
              <p class="text-dark">.text-dark</p>
              <p class="text-body">.text-body</p>
              <p class="text-muted">.text-muted</p>
              <p class="text-black-50">.text-black-50</p>
              <p class="text-white bg-dark">.text-white</p>
              <p class="text-light-70 bg-dark">.text-light-70</p>
              <p class="text-white-50 bg-dark">.text-white-50</p>

Contextual text classes also work well on anchors with the provided hover and focus states. Note that the .text-white and .text-muted class has no link styling.

              <p><a href="#" class="text-primary">Primary link</a></p>
              <p><a href="#" class="text-secondary">Secondary link</a></p>
              <p><a href="#" class="text-success">Success link</a></p>
              <p><a href="#" class="text-danger">Danger link</a></p>
              <p><a href="#" class="text-warning">Warning link</a></p>
              <p><a href="#" class="text-info">Info link</a></p>
              <p><a href="#" class="text-purple">Purple link</a></p>
              <p><a href="#" class="text-light bg-dark">Light link</a></p>
              <p><a href="#" class="text-dark">Dark link</a></p>
              <p><a href="#" class="text-muted">Muted link</a></p>
              <p><a href="#" class="text-white bg-dark">White link</a></p>

Background color

Similar to the contextual text color classes, easily set the background of an element to any contextual class. Anchor components will darken on hover, just like the text classes. Background utilities do not set color, so in some cases you'll want to use .text-* utilities.

              <div class="p-3 mb-2 bg-primary text-white">.bg-primary</div>
              <div class="p-3 mb-2 bg-secondary text-white">.bg-secondary</div>
              <div class="p-3 mb-2 bg-success text-white">.bg-success</div>
              <div class="p-3 mb-2 bg-danger text-white">.bg-danger</div>
              <div class="p-3 mb-2 bg-warning text-dark">.bg-warning</div>
              <div class="p-3 mb-2 bg-info text-white">.bg-info</div>
              <div class="p-3 mb-2 bg-purple text-white">.bg-purple</div>
              <div class="p-3 mb-2 bg-light text-dark">.bg-light</div>
              <div class="p-3 mb-2 bg-dark text-white">.bg-dark</div>
              <div class="p-3 mb-2 bg-white text-dark">.bg-white</div>
              <div class="p-3 mb-2 bg-transparent text-dark">.bg-transparent</div>
              <div class="p-3 mb-2 bg-gray-100 text-dark">.bg-gray-100</div>

Gradient Images

Add gradient color in images.

              <div class="position-relative gradient gradient-1"><a href="#"><img src="..." alt="Example"></a></div>
              <div class="position-relative gradient gradient-2"><a href="#"><img src="..." alt="Example"></a></div>
              <div class="position-relative gradient gradient-3"><a href="#"><img src="..." alt="Example"></a></div>
              <div class="position-relative gradient gradient-4"><a href="#"><img src="..." alt="Example"></a></div>
              <div class="position-relative gradient gradient-5"><a href="#"><img src="..." alt="Example"></a></div>
              <div class="position-relative gradient gradient-6"><a href="#"><img src="..." alt="Example"></a></div>